Holy Communion

by Fr. John Granato  |  05/05/2024  |  Words from Fr. John

My Dear Friends,

Today we are celebrating the first Holy Communion of twenty of our faith formation students. It is always a joyous celebration whenever anyone receives his or her first Holy Communion, but to see so many of our children receive our Lord for the first time warms our hearts. It should make us remember our own first Holy Communion. Our Lord desires for all who call themselves Catholic to receive Communion. And our Lord continues to call those who are not Catholic to come to the Catholic faith and receive Him in Holy Communion.

The Sacred Eucharist is the Father’s gift to us so that we can enter into communion (in union with) Him, the God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Communion does not remain at the level of receiving the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, and by extension the Divinity of the Father and Holy Spirit. Communion also means that we are in union with the sacred Tradition of our Catholic faith and communion with the Holy Father, the Pope in Rome. When a non-Catholic receives communion at the Holy Sacrifice of the Holy Mass, that person is saying a lie, for that person is not in union with our faith and with the pope. The Sacred Host is not a participation trophy given to all just because you attended Mass.

Receiving the Eucharist means that even though we are sinners and fall short of the glory of God, we come into union with Jesus Christ so that we can change our way of living and leave sin behind. Jesus never stops anyone from coming into his presence, but he is always walking with the person in order to help the person to “Go and sin no more.” Let us pray for our young children receiving their first Holy Communion today that this Communion and every Communion they receive helps them to remain in Jesus in the Catholic Church and helps them to grow in holiness and virtue. God bless.