Happy New Year!

by Fr. John Granato  |  12/31/2023  |  Words from Fr. John

My Dear Friends,

Happy New Year!!!!! Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family and tomorrow, January 1st, is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. There’s a lot of news coming out of the Vatican these last two weeks and much of it is controversial. I am not one to shy away from anything controversial, as you know, but on this beginning of the New Year, I want to focus on something that is not controversial.

This coming January 5th is my two year anniversary of being your pastor at Our Lady of Hope. I am truly blessed to be here in this assignment. This parish is wonderful and vibrant and a pure joy to be the home of a faith filled community. It is not easy being a pastor, especially in today’s Catholic Church in the United States, but this community has made my job much easier. Thank you so much for your patience and mercy towards me, and please be assured that each and every one of you is in my daily prayers. My daily rosary is always offered for the parishioners of Our Lady of Hope and every Mass I celebrate I remember the parishioners as I hold the Sacred Host up at consecration.

During this 2024, may we as a community continue to grow in faith, hope and charity as we come together every week to do the only thing that truly matters in the life of a Catholic; worshiping God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit at the celebration of the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and following the two great commandments of loving God with all our heart, mind, soul and body and loving our neighbor.

May you and your families have a blessed and joyous and healthy new year. May God bless you now and always.