
The Sacrament of Confirmation perfects and animates the graces received in Baptism.

In Confirmation, the Holy Spirit is received in a special manner by the laying on of hands and the anointing with the Oil of Chrism. Normally reserved to the bishop, when one is Baptized as an infant, the Sacrament of Confirmation empowers Christians with the Holy Spirit and leads them to witness to Christ and the Church in the world today. Far from being a “sacrament of choice or maturity” this celebration is all about God’s action empowering Christians to serve in the world. The graces of the Sacrament of Confirmation confirm the Sacrament of Baptism and strengthen the Christian to live more fully in that Baptismal grace (CCC #1289).

Confirmation of Children

Religious Education students of Our Lady of Hope Parish will begin preparing for Confirmation in the 9th Grade, and will continue to prepare through a full year of 10th Grade. This year's 9th Graders will be Confirmed in the Spring of 2025.


Confirmation of Adults

Adults who have not been previously confirmed and would now like to seek this Sacrament may do so. Depending on your experience and level of formation in the faith you may be asked to join with the RCIA or another adult formation program in order to prepare for and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. For more information please contact the Director of Faith Formation and Education.