The Transfiguration

by Fr. John Granato  |  02/25/2024  |  Words from Fr. John

My Dear Friends,

The Mass of the second Sunday of Lent is always the reading of the Transfiguration. In each Gospel (Matthew, Mark and Luke), it is the event that ushers in Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and the beginning of his passion. The Transfiguration on top of Mount Tabor consists of Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Peter, James and John. Moses and Elijah represent the Law and the Prophets. Peter, James and John are the three apostles that are privileged to be with Jesus during important events and miracles.

God speaks, saying, “This is my beloved Son.” Jesus is preparing the three apostles for the passion by allowing them to see the glory that awaits him. The glorified body of Our Lord highlights the defeat of death. We also will receive a glorified body after death. Since we are body and soul and since our body will live forever once it is restored, and since our body is truly a temple of the indwelling of the Triune God, our bodies are meant to be cared for and reverenced.

We are not to mutilate our bodies or destroy them with drugs and unhealthy living. We are not to use other peoples’ bodies for selfish and lustful desires. We are not to worship the body at the expense of denying the need to nourish our soul. Most importantly, we are willing to lose the body if it means witnessing to Jesus as a martyr. Fasting is one way for Christians to discipline our passions and to grow in virtue and love.

As Lent continues, let us continue our Lenten journey by acts of penance and fasting as to grow strong in the spiritual life. God bless.