Announcements and Events
Consecration of the Election to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Please join us in praying this prayer each day in the lead up to the election.
We are bringing back the Christmas Bazaar for 2024
We are forming a committee for this event and we need your help. Anyone interested in being part of this committee please contact Marion Royer at or via text or phone call at 860-309-8653.
Upcoming Events
Harwinton Fair Bakery Booth
As is our tradition, our famous bakery booth will be open for business!!!
We need your baked goods ideas.
Our Lady of Hope Hospitality-It's back!
Our first coffee hour kicks off at IHOM. The months following, our coffee hours will resume on the first Sunday of each month.
Respect Life Committee Meeting
We will meet at the Social Center to discuss many of the events that are coming up in the next few months, especially the 40 Days for Life that will begin on Sep 25.
Please call the Parish Office 860-379-5215.
Rosary for Vocations
Weekly rosary, Thursdays at 6:30pm at Immaculate Heart of Mary, Harwinton.
2024 Hopes Collection
Help our parish educators & students. This collection will provide new revenue sources to offer our teachers a just wage, ensuring quality education, enthusiasm, and stability. We ask you to support our children by supporting their teachers.
CT Catholic Men's Conference
at Northwest Catholic High School, West Hartford
Mass, Adoration, Confessions, National Speakers, and exhibitors & vendors.
Holy Hour for Vocations
Mondays, 12:00pm at Immaculate Conception
Priesthood Sunday - Come celebrate Father John
Bring your favorite appetizer/dessert to share and show Father your love and appreciation. Please join the Vocation Ministry in praying for our priests, and praising God for their courage and generosity.